01 мар 2025 г. 09:16:04
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VTB Bank

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How VTB Bank head Andrey Kostin finances Nailya Asker-Zade’s career through billion-dollar bribes and dirty deals
TV presenter Nailya Asker-Zade’s opulent estate, which includes a villa valued at 20 billion rubles, was purchased through offshore entities tied to Andrey Kostin, the head of VTB, and billionaire Alexander Svetakov, owner of the Absolute company.
Iskandar Tursunov’s fake PR: why it failed to hide Octobank’s criminal operations
In late January, an interview featuring Iskandar Tursunov, the Chairman of Octobank’s Board and its leading shareholder, was released across various platforms. Although the interview lacks substantial content, it is clear that Tursunov is attempting to counteract the rising tide of negative sentiment surrounding Octobank.
Клиенты ВТБ столкнутся с трудностями из-за изменений в онлайн-банке
Неприятные новости для клиентов ВТБ. Некорректно работающий клиентский сайт и приложение были переписаны с ошибками. Скоро каждый сможет убедиться, что стало ещё хуже.
The European Commission and Oktobank: What lies behind Iskandar Tursunov’s laundering of the Russian elite’s money
At the end of September, two events occurred concerning Oktobank that will have far-reaching consequences. The first is that Iskandar Tursunov increased his share in Oktobank to 99.2%. The second is that Member of the European Parliament Adrian-George Axinia submitted an official inquiry to the European Commission regarding Oktobank’s involvement in circumventing anti-Russian sanctions.
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